Method 5 : Out of Stack Particulate Matter
In this method, particulate matter (PM) is withdrawn isokinetically from the source and is collected on a glass fiber filter maintained at a temperature of 120 ±14 °C or such other temperature as specified by the Administrator for a particular application. The PM mass, which includes any material that condenses at or above the filtration temperature, is determined gravimetrically after the removal of uncombined water.
The figure below shows the schematics of a typical PM sampling system complying with Method 5 of US EPA.

A typical Method 5 compliant isokinetic sampling system for particulate sampling comprises the following components, devices and subassemblies etc.
- Control Module for controlling the operation of the sampling system.
- Sampling pump for drawing sample of stack gas.
- Sampling probe consisting of Sampling Nozzle, a heated sampling pipe, S type Pitot Tube and Thermocouple.
- Particulate filtering system comprising a circular glass fiber filter housed in a filter holder which is enclosed in a heated filter box.
- A moisture removal system comprising a set of impingers placed in a cooled bath.
Specifications :
Component | Method 5 | |
1. | Control Module | No difference |
2. | Sampling pump | No difference |
3. | Pitot Tube | No difference |
4. | Thermocouple | No difference |
5. | Thermocouple | Circular filter placed in a heated filter box outside the stack |
6. | Sample transport pipe | Heated |
7. | Moisture removal device | No difference |
Polltech manufactures and supplies the various components, devices and assemblies that go to make a complete Method 5 compliant PM sampling system. The various items are supplied with multiple options to select from to enable the user to customize the sampling system as per specific applications and budgets.